Can Buying New Furniture Boost Your Revenue?

Compare these two images:


  1. You walk into a dark, dinghy office with dirty windows, threadbare furniture and lots of grime and filth on the floor.

  2. You walk into a bright, pristine office with sparkling windows, and elegant, new furniture decorating polished floors.


Naturally, you’re not comfortable in the first one. You want to get out of there as quickly as possible. The second one at least feels comforting and welcoming. The people there have taken the time to make it as approachable as possible.


In the minds of customers, who can decide to go elsewhere, perception is everything. Every little detail can be a reason to stay or to leave.


The big question is, “How much will new furniture help?” There’s no way to know this until you try it, but that can prove to be expensive, if you don’t use a good measure of caution.


Finding the right furniture at a discount sometimes takes extra work. Instead of spending thousands on the finest, store-bought furniture, consider garage sales or estate sales. Yes, you’ll likely run into a lot of junk, but occasionally you’ll find something that is perfect and at a price that is shockingly comfortable.


If you’re feeling impatient when you do this shopping, then stop and go do something more constructive with your time. Impatience will likely result in a bad purchase.


Consider this analogy. If you’re a guy and you’re out with your wife shopping for a party dress, you know what it’s like to have her try on dozens of outfits for which you always say, “That’s nice.” But occasionally, she will try on an outfit that “clicks.” There’s something about it that is right on so many levels, you have to buy it. In a way, it’s like “love at first sight.” Everything fits. The designer was one of those big names before anyone knew him.


A good, clean environment says, “I care about you.” Good, new-looking furniture says the same thing. You may think about how much the furniture costs, but consider how much it costs to lose existing customers.


Now, consider the opposite effect. New furniture says “prosperity.” That translates as “success,” and “doing the right thing.” If you’re waiting room is in any way grungy, how likely are you to have clients recommend your dental practice to a relative or friend. They may start to say something, but frown and purse their lips when they remember how bad it all looks. Then, they may wonder why they, themselves, are staying at the same dental practice. The little things don’t have to be expensive to have each and every one of your patients look upon you and your practice with favorable eyes.


Also, you don’t have to have a professional interior decorator take charge of the project. If you don’t have the budget for such things, consider a bright student at a local college for the project. They can add the project to their skimpy resume, and you get some helpful advice from someone before they can charge the proverbial “arm and a leg.”



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