Blog posts of '2022' 'April'

What does the supply chain disruption mean to dentists and dental professionals?

It all started in 2020 with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), at first masks weren’t available and then the price for all masks including level 1,2 and 3, KN95 and even N95 masks skyrocketed. We saw something similar with gowns and nitrile gloves. Now it’s apparent that all dental supplies are more expensive, not just PPE but the price of all consumables have gone up and are going to continue in that direction. COVID-19 has caused harm to the global supply chain for dental supplies in two significant ways. First the demand has increased, during crisis people want to stock up as much as possible so demand for essential goods like PPE has increased dramatically. Secondly, the response to COVID-19 has also caused turmoil. From the closing of ports and factories to the grounding of flights and the cancelation of cargo ships, it has created a situation where healthcare supply chains have suffered tremendously.

                The outlook for dentists and dental professionals is not optimistic, but there are some solutions. The first thing dentists should understand is that it’s not just them. These are global supply chain issues and most industries are feeling the pain. Whereas in the past dentists could expect to spend 5-6% of their budget on supplies, that number is going to be more like 8-9% in this environment. There are not many experts predicting that the delays and raw materials shortages will end soon. So what can savvy dentists do to combat a global situation like this? The first thing all dentists can do is to not over order. This is easier said than done because no dentists want’s to lose out on a procedure because they don’t have the necessary supplies, but it is something they should keep in mind. The next thing all dentists should do when it comes to their dental supplies is to find lower cost alternatives. Most dentists expect to pay more for gloves, masks and gowns during a global pandemic.

The savings are on many of the other consumables that dentists use every day. Never sacrifice quality for a less expensive product but dentist should be asking themselves, “Do I really need this composite that costs $140 per syringe to do my best work”.  Many dental supply companies will let you try their products for free, so there is little to no risk in trying a new product that is 60-70% less expensive. There are many other examples of savings on products such as, Crown & Bridge Material, VPS Impression Material, Bite Registration and Prophy Paste. That is without even discussing disposables. The savings are out there to reduce your dental supply costs they just need to be found.


Gavin Markiet

Noble Dental Supplies

Product Highlight: MARK3 VPS Impression Material

Product Highlight – Not all VPS Impression Materials are created equal.

VPS or Vinyl Polysiloxane is a hydrophilic material used for dental impressions. VPS enables dentists to make more accurate impressions that are resistant to tearing and distortion when they are removed. The advantage for dentists and patients is better fitting restorations. MARK3 VPS Impression Material is a highly rated, versatile product that gives great detail, sets up well and gives excellent impressions according to Dr. Brad Baker a dentist in Katy Texas.

MARK3 VPS is touted for the outstanding detail it provides and how easy it is to use. Directly from the Dental Product Shopper evaluation, 10 out of 12 dentists that reviewed MARK3 VPS Impression material said they would recommend it to their colleagues.


MARK3 VPS Impression Material is comparable to a few name brand products that many dentists will immediately recognize. Products like Genie and Blu-Mousse, Flexitime and Express VPS. They are all recognizable and they are all more expensive than MARK3 VPS Impression Material. These “name brand” products have similar properties to MARK3 VPS Impression Material and perform in a similar capacity. The biggest difference is in price and the disparity is shocking. Safco dental is selling Express VPS 4pk for $175.50.  ( You can currently purchase a 4pk of MARK3 VPS Impression material for $31.95. ( The price difference is significant, but the difference in performance is not.

The MARK3 brand was created so dealers could be more competitive and dentists could save money. Real world examples are easy to find. MARk3 VPS Impression Material is just the latest example of a product that can save dentists money without sacrificing any quality. The results in a dental practice setting will not change but dentists will save money and be able to reduce expenses. In today’s environment where the cost of living continues to increase, dentists need to be creative and look at all aspects of their expenses to get the most out of their margins. Reducing costs on supplies and specifically consumables like VPS Impression material is an easy way to start being more cost conscious and maximizing profit.

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Or visit our VPS Impression Material product page:

For our new and Improved eXact VPS Impression Material visit:

Restful Sleep is Essential for Dentists and Dental Professionals

Millions of people, especially dental professionals, suffer from sleep deprivation. While we are not yet a nation of walking zombies, insufficient sleep or poor quality sleep causes many of us to be distracted, irritable, inefficient, or prone to mistakes. The reasons for our lack of sleep are myriad – stressful jobs and family situations, health issues, night work or late shifts, and the inability to “shut off” our minds when it’s time for bed. Dentists and healthcare professionals are not immune from this debilitating trend. Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep during each 24-hour period. But here’s the caveat –sleep needs to be deep and restful. It won’t help to get even 12 hours of sleep if you’re waking each hour. We need to achieve the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of deep sleep, when we dream, to benefit from sleep’s restorative effects.

What Are Sleep Aid Options For Dental Professionals?

Without quality sleep, people soon begin to experience mental deterioration, and physical sluggishness is not far behind. We can easily fall into a sleep deficit – experiencing night after night of insufficient sleep that eventually catches up with us and impairs our ability to function. Sleep deficits are particularly critical for dentists and dental professionals, who are required to perform high-precision dental procedures on a daily basis. Suffering from sleep deprivation impairs dentists and assistants both mentally and physically – and can result in lackluster dental work and a poor experience for dental patients. So where can dentists and dental professionals turn for a safe, effective sleep aid? Prescription medications are often habit-forming, can lead to dependence, and may diminish in effectiveness over time. Alternatively, melatonin is a natural hormone and is not addictive, but melatonin won’t cure insomnia. It only helps you fall sleep, not stay asleep. Melatonin can also produce side effects and drug interactions. Furthermore, it is difficult to be assured of quality with melatonin supplements, as many manufacturers include additives or unnecessarily high doses in their products.

Natural CBD Oil for Dentists and Assistants

We all need less stress in our lives, but barring that, natural cannabidiol (CBD) oil is perhaps the best choice for facilitating deep, sustained sleep for healthcare professionals. Published research has shown time and again that CBD has a profoundly positive effect on sleep. For example, animal studies have produced evidence that CBD helps enhance longer sleep duration and staves off sleepiness during the daytime. Furthermore, this literature review from the National Institutes of Health concluded that CBD can help with daytime drowsiness and REM sleep behavior disorder. Additionally, CBD has demonstrated anxiety-reducing benefits, and anxiety is a major cause of insomnia among dentists and dental professionals. Like melatonin, cannabidiol is a natural compound. While CBD oil is derived from hemp, it does not contain THC and does not produce psychoactive effects. CBD products are not addictive and exhibit no long-term side effects. Extended use does not diminish the benefits of CBD oil, in contrast to prescription sleeping pills or other drugs. We spend one-third of our lives asleep. Shouldn’t that time consist of restorative and natural rest? If you’re a dental professional and getting less-than-perfect sleep and are a dentist, consider natural CBD oil to facilitate the rest you need. Being a dentist is a high-responsibility and often stress-inducing profession – and stress is consistently a driving factor behind insomnia. Dental professionals need to have a sharp mental edge and be physically capable in order to perform high-quality dental procedures. CBD products are a safe, non-addictive, non-toxic option for any healthcare professional.