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Our rather extensive range of nano hybrid universal composite material allows you a wide choice but is also helpful in ensuring that you are able to choose the right product for your dental practice. From our nano hybrid composite materials to hybrid composite resin, each product is detailed and discounted for your benefit. You can easily shop our hybrid composite resins and universal composites online or call our customer care team for assistance. Discover the difference of shopping with Noble Dental Supplies for all your nanohybrid composite resin and other dental supplies.

Universal Composites

The demand for esthetically pleasing composite restorations which impersonate the tooth structure is on the rise. Likewise, there is a growing desire for a comprehensive system that enables dentists to deliver precisely crafted restorations irrespective of their position in the mouth.

Universal composite serves the purpose of being able to be used anywhere in the mouth, for any type of filling and perform equally well in anterior and posterior fillings. From the nanohybrid composite to the hybrid resin-based composites, our range of inventory of universal composites enables you to have a broad choice to meet all your clinical needs. You can also browse our website for other composite and restorative products.

Features of Highly Effective Universal Dental Composites

The best type of comprehensive composite restorations we offer has the following benefits.

Esthetically pleasing

The features of virtuous universal composite restoratives, in terms of shades and opacities, are available. These most frequently include those with naturally occurring Vita shades. In addition, occasionally, non-Vita shades can also be used for the most demanding of cases.

Sculptable composite material

Our outstanding composite products can be sculpted and worked into a position devoid of slumping or being tacky. Careful manipulation and finishing with fine brushes should also enable the dentists to easily design integrated margins.

Distinctive nano-filler technology gives certain of our composites putty-like manipulation that can be adapted and dispensed to the precise position without slumping before cured.

High Durability

The longevity of the restoration is largely determined by the polymerization shrinkage of the material. Excessive shrinkage after curing can lead to marginal gaps and can cause recurrent decay. However, our products have low polymerization shrinkage and offer maximum marginal integrity.

Excellent strength

High quality universal composites at Noble Dental Supplies exhibit great strength and high wear resistance irrespective of its location in the mouth. They can withstand harsh occlusal forces, while also retaining the dimensional stability.

Convenient and long lasting polishability

Our composites offer easy polishability which stays for years without wearing off. With an excellent balance of strength and polishability, our universal composites are the dentists’ recommended choice.

High-strength characteristics and low-wear rates are significant traits that are seen in Evanesce restorations, anteriorly and posteriorly. You can quickly polish these restorative materials  with a long-lasting shine. The ability to blend in with the natural tooth structure and tooth color is the characteristic true to their names.

All the features and benefits mentioned above make our universals Clinician’s choice for both anterior and posterior restorations, placed with ease and and esthetics in total confidence.

Our products range includes

Buy from Noble Dental Supplies from the wide-ranging products to meet your restorative needs. Shop online or contact our customer care support for help and assistance.