Triple Tray Bite Registratoin Trays - Premier
- Retention tracks mechanically lock in material, eliminating the need for offensive smelling, volatile, and expensive adhesives.
- You save both time and money.
- Easier handling - Large, ergonomic handles simplify loading of the tray, enable easy transfer between assistant and dentist and facilitate tray insertion and removal from the mouth.
- Accurate bite - Thin, loose webbing maximizes intercuspation of the teeth and exhibits “...least water sorption & thinnest occlusal wafer ” 1 to ensure an accurate bite.
- Greater rigidity in posterior due to the use of a new, novel polymer.
- Ensure accuracy and save time - Low sides, thin posterior bar and wide impression areas avoid impingement when the patient closes. Premier®
- Triple Tray® is proven2 accurate - as you simultaneously capture master impression, counter and bite registration.