Duray 3D CEPH Extraoral X-Ray Unit - Beyes Dental

Duray 3D CEPH Extraoral X-Ray Unit - Beyes Dental

SKU : 210-XR3031

Duray® 3D is a complete, compact, and fully upgradable 3D CBCT Panoramic and Cephalometric system. It covers a gamut of applications - such as endodontics, periodontology, surgery, implantology, and orthodontics - providing everything you need for your daily practice.It’s a flexible solution that can be upgraded to one-shot cephalometry any time.

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Manufacturer: Beyes Dental

SKU: 210-XR3031

Duray 3D CEPH CBCT Extraoral X-Ray Unit - Beyes Dental

Duray® 3D is a complete, compact, and fully upgradable 3D CBCT Panoramic and Cephalometric system. It covers a gamut of applications - such as endodontics, periodontology, surgery, implantology, and orthodontics - providing everything you need for your daily practice.It’s a flexible solution that can be upgraded to one-shot cephalometry any time.The intuitive, integrated touchscreen enables straightforward selection of your preferred program- Panoramic, Ceph, or 3D. It provides a choice of eight different fields of view, ranging from 5x6.5cm to the largest at 10x10cm. The smart backlight will indicate when the unit is ready to take the X-ray and simultaneously provides a calming environment for your patient.Duray® 3D is perfectly integrated with the Implant 3D software which allows for the Implant planning simulation.

Key Features

State-Of-The-Art CMOS Sensor

Advanced sensor with excellent sensitivity resulting in high detail images at low dose rates.

8 different FOV's for Your Daily Needs

Duray 3D covers a complete range of CBCT programs for various applications – from endodontics, to surgery and implantology, to bone augmentation

23 Total 3D Programs

Adult full, child full, adult and child upper and lower jaw, adult and child sinuses, surgical and implant volume front, left and right, hemiarch left and right, upper and lower, ENDO volume in 6 different positions, TMJ right and left.

One Shot 3D Ceph

High performance and instant images with the CSI-CMOS One-shot flat panel. When you need to take a Cephalometric image, patient positioning is even faster. A one-shot CEPH image is acquired in less than 1 second, preventing patient movement and ensuring the highest image quality.

Upgradable Duray 3D & 3D Ceph

Duray 3D is a complete, compact, and fully upgradable 3D CBCT Panoramic and Cephalometric system. It covers a gamut of applications - such as endodontics, periodontology, surgery, implantology, and orthodontics - providing everything you need for your daily practice. The unit can be installed with or without the One-Shot ceph arm. It is ready for field upgrade for the Cephalometric arm later.

Dynamic/Automatic Image Focusing

Thanks to the innovative smart sensor-software interface technology, panoramic images are automatically focused at every exposure, adjusting for eventual patient mispositioning or movement artifacts.

Automatic Metal Artifact Reduction (AMAR)

Metal artifacts distort in CBCT imaging. Duray 3D automatic metal detection reduces those effects to a minimum.

Plug & Play Concept

Duray® Series is ready to use immediately, as it comes with a tower computer preinstalled with our latest imaging software - DURAY DG Suite by Beyes®.

Safe & Easy

Thanks to the automatic sensor rotation, there's no need to reposition or detach the sensor when switching between Panoramic, 3D, or Cephalometric modes. This effortless process eliminates the potential risk associated with manually handling a costly sensor.

Technical Specfications

3D 3D Programs 23 programs: adult full, child full, adult and child upper and lower jaw, adult and child sinuses, surgical and implant volume front, left and right, hemi-arc left and right, upper and lower, ENDO volume in 6 different positions, TMJ right and left.
  Volume size 3D 8 volumes: 5x6.5, 7x6.5, 6x10, 7x10, 8x6.5, 8x10, 10x6.5, 10x10 (in cm)
  Voxel size 80 μm, 190 μm
  Exposure time 3D 12.4 – 13 s (STD mode) | 16.1 – 16.9 s (HD mode)
Panoramic Panoramic Programs 9 programs: adult pano, child pano, dentition, Panoramic bitewing, TMJ, sinuses, half dentition left, half dentition right, anterior teeth.
  Pixel Size 99 μm
  Exposure time 2D 4.6 – 14.2 s (STD mode) | 3.2 - 9.9 s (ECO mode)
Cephalometric Ceph Programs LL 30x24, LL 18x24, AP, PA, Carpus
  Ceph Image Size 240x300 mm, 240x180 mm
  Exposure time Ceph 0.2 – 4.0 s
Patient Sizes 4 sizes small, medium, large and extra-large