ComfyRay™ Complete Starter Kit - ClikRay
The ComfyRay™ Complete Starter Kit is a complete holding system for digital sensors. It eliminates the need for multiple rings, rods and pins of older obsolete systems. The ComfyRay™ complete starter kit allows you to use one holder for anterior, posterior, vertical & horizontal bite wings, and Endo. The unique Shark Fin Biteplane design allows the holder to slip around the rubber dam clamp. It is flexible by design and uses only one autoclave bag for an entire system.
The ComfyRay™ complete starter kit includes the "G" ClikGuide™, which requires only one ring which rotates into three positions. It also slides closer to the sensor to achieve accurate beam position. The ease of use and simple design requires far fewer instruments to complete a full mouth series of digital radiographs. ComfyRay™ + "G" ClikGuide™ are all you need to get all the images you need.
- ComfyRay™ for sensors such as Carestream RVG 6100/6200/5200, Instrumentarium, Schick ELITE/33 Size 2 Purple Item # 001-770 : Size 1 White Item # 001-787
- ComfyRay™ XT Skinny for thinner sensors such as Ei, XDR, Suni, original black Schick CDR, Quickray, Dent-x and Dentimax Size 2 Blue Item # 001-794 : Size 1 Rose Item # 001-807
- ComfyRay™ DX 1.5 Plus for sensors such as Dexis, Dexis Platinum, and Jazz Item # 001-206